Socialism Kills.

August 26, 2018

It’s vital that humanity has political system that spawns competition. Competition means we become more efficient, more innovative.  It pushes us to solve the world’s problems. Socialism strips away incentive.  Socialism kills evolution.

Nationals own goal.

August 24, 2018

If National had taken the electoral commissions advice to reduce the MMP threshold to 4% they’d still be in government. 2017’s elections saw a hijacking of democracy that left a lot of kiwis scratching their heads over MMP, some get it, the majority doesn’t. To govern you need stable minor parties as coalition partners. The […]

Power to the people.

August 19, 2018

For the sake of democracy either citizens referendums are binding, or the MMP party threshold is lowered, government can’t have it both ways. John Key told New Zealand that he thought citizen’s initiated referendums were to expensive, he subsequently set about changing the nations flag by way of a government referendum at a cost to tax […]

Why labour isn’t behind the limo leak.

August 19, 2018

Labour may hold on to the defunct dream of socialism solving the world’s problems but surely they are not entirely stupid ? There is no reason Labour had any advantage in leaking Simon Bridges crown car expenses days before they were due to be made public. Labour already knows that Bridges is failing to make […]