Your wellbeing according to a socialist.

The Coalition Government is doing things differently, and you should be very afraid.

“Economic growth is an important contributor to wellbeing but it is not an end itself” – Grant Robertson

In case you’ve been living under a rock, you may not have heard Labour peddling its latest buzz word. “THE WELLBEING BUDGET” but what exactly is it ?


To understand it, we need a bit of context.

Millennials have been crying out for something that feels different from capitalism. Generation X have been blessed (or cursed) with everything now accessible by their smart phones.

Millennials can get it now, and they want it now. But, is that really how the world works ?

The older generation has worked hard, paid their fair share of taxes, and with a bit of luck and good timing have prospered off the back of rising asset values fueled by decades of gouging themselves on debt.

So when the global financial crisis suffered a financial fart, fueled by greedy banks, and greedy owners of capital, capitalism started to smell bad to the masses.

Greed caused the GFC, not capitalism.

Enter the Socialists.

The US fell in love with Obama who brought socialisim disguised as “hope & change”.


Big tech and millenial CEO’s embraced it, while pushing their ideology throughout their fortune 500 companies.

Bernie Sanders launched a highly polished political campaign, promoting the “benefits” of socialism while targeting working class America.

Thanks to spectical that is American politics, socialism found itself back in the mainstream.

This leads us to New Zealand…

As the middle class here evaporated due to globalism, stagnent wage growth, excessive migration, excessive debt and house price inflation, Kiwis began to question capitalism.

The kiwi dream of the one acre section has now all but disappeared.

Capitalism was seen as the big bad wolf, ordinary kiwis who didn’t own a home began to feel worse off, the middle class became squeezed, dissolutioned and angry.

Unfortunately in any society, the bottom rung tend to find it the hardest, in New Zealand that is Maori, and Labour saw an opportunity.

Leading up to the 2017 labour targeted Maori, sowing the seeds of discontent Maori became feed up with the Maori party, before long National found itself without a coalition partner.

National tried it’s best to eliminate Winston Peter’s from the negotiation table, Winston losing his whangarei seat to National, combined with the scandal of claiming superannuation while earning an mp’s salary, he was all but cooked.

However, you can never rule out Winston.

He’s a pro at populist politics, by pandering to his core voters who opposed mass immigration, and trusted Winston to tighten up our boarders, he got the numbers and survived on election night becoming king maker and deciding who would govern New Zealand.

Labour now found itself in government, having never expected to lead, disorganized, visionless and dysfunctional, (having mowed through 3 leaders since being in opposition) the only thing Labour could do was turn to their failed marxists ideology.

Hello Socialism…

Since the 2017 elections, Labour have been forcing a form of socialism in disguise on the New Zealand public at a terrifying pace.

Labour understand they have a small window of opportunity to cease power for future decades, labour elites wish to rule NZ, and they are going flat out to achieve it.


In case you think i’m scare mongering..

Behold Obama and Hillary Clinton’s beloved Saul Alinsky’s 8 steps to achieve a socialist state, now ask yourself, how close is Labour ?

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor

Labour’s master stroke is being marketed as the Well being budget with the gov’t priorities this year being:

a) To create opportunities for transitioning to a sustainable low emissions economy.

b) Lifting Maori and Pacific incomes and opportunities.

c) Supporting a thriving nation in the digital age through innovation.

d) Reducing child poverty, improving child and youth wellbeing, including addressing family violence.

e) Supporting mental wellbeing for all New Zealanders, particularly those under 24.

This all sounds very lovely, but what the government is really seeking to do is :

a) Make the country dependent on government for their energy needs.

b) Create division under the guise of equality, taking from those who have worked hard for something and transferring wealth to those who believe they are entitled to it.

c) Implementing technology that erodes individual privacy, and allows for more government surveillance.

d) Making families even more dependent on the state, increasing welfare that ultimately the leads to poverty.

e) Removing religion and God from the nation, its institutions, its schools. Targeting young people, while pushing government programs as solutions to mental wellbeing, yet only confuse and compound, making the vulnerable more dependent on the state.


Make no mistake, socialism is a sinister system that ultimately leads to communism and complete oppression over the people.

The temptation of socialism on the naive is “give up a little of your freedom, and I will give you a little more security.”

History shows us, this is never the case.

Ask the people of China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba how they feel about losing both their freedom and security.

While socialism once promised these people prosperity, equality, and security, it has only delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny.

Equality was achieved only in the sense that everyone was equal in his or her misery.

Socialism ignores incentives, it’s a theory inconsistent with human nature. It will always be doomed to fail.

Capitalism allows for the incentive of making a profit for your hard work, it allows free markets to determine prices, it allows for private property rights.

It inspires innovation, and enterprise. It incentivises efficiency, capitalism creates wealth.

To irradicate these tenants is a direct attack on your freedom & liberty.

Ask yourself, what will your level of wellbeing be when you loose it all at the hands of the marxists now running our government ?


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