Rise of the Dragon.

NZ finds itself in precarious position in amongst this global game of geo political chess.

Let me start by asking the question, did the NZ govt sign us up to the UN migrant pact to protect our sovereignty from something more sinister ?

Currently Russia, USA, the EU & China are flexing their power. China has closed the gap economically over the USA in the past few decades.

The nature of China’s totalitarian regime is that they need to keep social order to maintain it’s grip on the people. They do this by way of communism, and food supply.

Here lies the threat for NZ & the South Pacific.

As china expands rapidly, they need resources to feed their people, ie Milk, Meat , Fish. China doesn’t muck around, they certainly dont rely on other nations for food supply. There aim is to control the entire process from farm to factory.

There has been a significant amount of investment in the south Pacific by china in the way of soft loans to build infrastructure, like ports, schools, hospitals.

These investments however aren’t to make friends.

NZ is a bountiful country known for our Milk, Meat & Fish stocks. We are a tiny country in the south Pacific in comparison to China’s population of 1.5 billion. We are a close ally of Australia, who is currently standing up to china at the behest of Ally USA.

What better way for China to gain more control over the south Pacific but limit Australian influence, you do this by isolating AUS from its closest ally. Ie NZ.

It’s my fear, in the next few years, China will continue to create divisions in this key relationship, they will embed themselves& embezzle NZ politics to influence policy. When our country faces the inevitable financial turmoil of excessive debt, chinas banks will swoop in to buy up bad debts.

Any resistance will be met with trade woes. And civil unrest will result in a physical presence of Chinese military disguised as ‘training exercises’.

We are in the dragons den people.

NZ needs to wake up. Fast.

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