The DNA of a Yellow Vester

As the yellow vest protests continue for a 9th week, other nations are beginning to pay attention, it’s becoming harder for mainstream media to ignore.

The UK has also mobilized with yellow vest supporters hitting the streets standing in soladarity with the French, while voicing their own concerns over Brexit and the EU.

What’s becoming more clear is that the yellow vest movement represents different things for different people, yet the consistent theme is the following:

1/ A rejection of globislation.
2/ The desire for ordinary people to determine individual liberty & freedoms.
3/ The distrust in the agenda of the EU, UN and the elites.

Last week Martin Bomber Bradbury of the left leaning daily blog, came out describing the yellow vest movement as some sort of left wing rejection of neo liberalism.

This was ‘partially’ correct, yet Martin proved his ignorance by determining the yellow vest protests were a single issue, represented by a single political faction.

It doesn’t take much time to understand the yellow vest movement is a complicated, evolving beast made up of left wing, populist and right wing ideals.

Even New Zealand has the spluttering of it’s own yellow vest movement, the trouble is NZ is a somewhat apathetic country, time will tell if any movement will gain traction here. Kiwis are too asleep.

A New Zealand movement is likely to be somewhat fragmented mix mash with those on the left of the political spectrum protesting neoliberalism, vs disillusioned baby boomers, ex nat voters and fed up NZ first supporters protesting against the declining freedom of speech and the UN’s encroachment on national sovereignty.

A New Zealand YellowVest movement runs the risk of being hijacked by trade unionists, radical lefties and Maori partisans before it would become a movement of significance.

The right would need to embrace the movement with the objective of forcing a snap election or emergence of a new political party, unlikely considering those on the right tend to have jobs, pay taxes etc.

The truth is, it’s not a movement that one single faction can lay claim to. The yellow vest movement represents a rejection by ordinary of the elites consolidation of power by way of globalization.

Each nation that protests under ‘yellow vest’ is likely to have their own unique flavor and political bend. Time will tell if governments will simply crack down on protests, or if various political factions within each national movement will rise up and cease power with the goal of influencing the outcome on election day.

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