The UN’s trojan horse

December 17, 2018

Most people are familiar with the story of the trojan horse used during the battle of troy. Invading soilders built a horse out of the remanents of wooden ships, they left at as a gift for the people of troy, the soilders sailed around the coast out of sight, the people of troy celebrated, they […]

New Zealand Fraud

December 14, 2018

In more ways than one, New Zealand first voters have been suckered in. Its voters are made up of mixed bag of grey power patriots & proud working class nationalists sold on uncle winston standing up for the nation in amongst the pillaging of foreign invaders. NZF has something of a youth wing, politically naive […]

The lie that is New Zealand first.

September 22, 2018

Winston Peters has always sided with popular opinion, in his words: “It’s common sense.” What Winston’s voters failed to realise is that it’s what ever makes common sense to him. NZF voters are a unique bunch, a mix of the older generation, working class, traditionalists who believe in giving their neighbour a hand up when […]